Full Name: Jacoda Crow
Nicknames: Jac, Coda, Insane Man, Infamous Bastard, Pirate Ass
Age: 29
Former House: Slytherin
Blood Type: Pureblood
Loyalties: himself, his crew at debatable increments, at one point Julius <thinks deceased>
Job: Infamous Pirate Captain, Escape Artist, Master Of Disguise
Sexual Orientation: Open Minded
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Black
Height: 6' 5"
Body Type: tall, dark, sexy, tan (usually)
Distinguishing Markings:
Dress Style: pirate, outlaw, sexy, various disguises
*shooting people out a cannon
*shooting self out a cannon
*talking in circular conversations
*using disguises
*his many magic pocketed trenchcoat
*circular conversations about the giant squid
*circular conversations
*control of his ship
*being followed
*his infamousy
*the sea
*the pirate's life
*firing himself or others from cannons
*the success of his seemingly insane schemes
*Ipolani ~ his sexy goddess
*The Royal Navy
*the extremely rare times his plans don't succeed
*losing his ship
*following rules
*listening to orders
*being told what to do
*being eaten by sea creatures
*when the rum is gone
*coming up with insane schemes that have a 99% success ratio
*escaping from seemingly impossible to escape situations
*being a pirate
*master of disguise
*surviving encounters with sea creatures including being eaten
*has extremely high alcohol tolerance
*Ocean Magic
*Water Magic
*summoning sea creatures
*following the Pirate Code
*Ice Magic
*navigating the sea
*pirate greed
*parley being called
*following orders
*listening to the word no
*Lightning Magic
*tends to seem insane
*the law
Family: unimportant
Personal History: Born and raised on the sea. Went to hogwarts for the required years. Spent time in and out of Askaban as well as muggle prisons. Not much to tell really. He spends most of his time living the life of the pirate. Running from the navy. Throwing his first mate to Davy Jones locker seems more and more appealing with every day.
Wand: 11 1/3" Austrailian Blackwood with Phoenix Tail Feather
Pets: sea creatures...possibly they spend a lot of time interacting *snicker*
Friends: Julius <believes deceased>, Ipolani <his sexy goddess>
Relationship: Single....or is he?
Enemies: The Royal Navy, Joseph Tyler